hi, how are you today
Till now we discussed
How to create database in sqlite3 database engine in Python
How to create table in database in sqlite3 database engine in Python.
How to insert data from database in sqlite3 database engine in Python
So today, taking one more step further, we will discuss how to read or search data in table inside database of SQLite3 database engine.
We are continuing with the same example of student database that we have discussed in previous post of creating table and inserting data.
" select * " means select data of all columns for a row
Till now we discussed
How to create database in sqlite3 database engine in Python
How to create table in database in sqlite3 database engine in Python.
How to insert data from database in sqlite3 database engine in Python
So today, taking one more step further, we will discuss how to read or search data in table inside database of SQLite3 database engine.
We are continuing with the same example of student database that we have discussed in previous post of creating table and inserting data.
Reading Data from database
There are three ways to read/search data from database- To read all data (fetchall())
- To read specific data(fetchone())
- To read specific no of data(fetchmany())
As explained earlier, curs is optional not mandatory while creating table and inserting data but mandatory for reading, updating and deleting data.
Syntax/Query to read all data from database curs.execute("select * from table_name")
result = curs.fetchall()
combine code for how to read all data from database
01: #WAP to understand the concept of reading all data from DataBase
02: i=0
03: import sqlite3 as sql
04: conn=sql.connect("mydatabase.db")
05: curs=conn.cursor()
06: curs.execute("select * from St_data")
07: result = curs.fetchall()
08: for x in result:
09: i=i+1
10: print(i,x)
11: conn.close()
Read data is in form of "list of tuple(s)", i.e. tuples as an element of list
Syntax/Query to read specific data from database curs.execute("select * from table_name where column_data=?",(data_to_search,))
result = curs.fetchone()
combine code for how to read one value from database
01: #WAP to understand the concept of reading data from DataBase single entry
02: s_Id=int(input("enter product name to search: "))
03: import sqlite3 as sql
04: conn=sql.connect("mydatabase.db")
05: curs=conn.cursor()
06: curs.execute("select * from St_data where Student_Id=?",(s_Id,))
07: result = curs.fetchone()
08: if result==None:
09: print("Product not found")
10: else:
11: print(result)
12: conn.close()
Read data is in form of "list of tuple(s)", i.e. tuples as an element of listFetchmany()
Syntax/Query to read not all but more than one data from database curs.execute("select * from table_name ")
result = curs.fetchmany(count)
Count means from starting how many values you want to searchcombine code for how to read many values from database
1: #WAP to understand the concept of reading data from DataBase
2: i=0
3: import sqlite3 as sql
4: conn=sql.connect("mydatabase.db")
5: curs=conn.cursor()
6: curs.execute("select * from St_data ")
7: result = curs.fetchmany(3)
8: for x in result:
9: i=i+1
10: print(i,x)
11: conn.close()
Read data is in form of "list of tuple(s)", i.e. tuples as an element of list" select * " means select data of all columns for a row
Always remember to close the connection before closing or quitting your software
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